Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Feeding While Pregnant- It’s A Personal Decision

There is nothing against breast-feeding while pregnant with child. Medical research confirms this, so if someone in your family does not agree, you should rely on how you feel and decide not to feed during pregnancy, only if you wish not to.

Remember, You Will Stop Feeding Your Baby Naturally When:

• Your baby begins to bite you

• Your milk stops. This means, your milk has dried up and you should stop breast feeding

• You feel exhausted after a feed

• You suffer from a breast infection, known as mastitis


It is unwise to jerk your infant away from your breast, as it will be very discomforted by this gesture. Instead, if you want to wean it away, gradually decrease the frequency of feeds. In most cases, a child will wean away by itself.

If You Have Decided to Continue Feeding Your Baby While You Are Pregnant

Sometimes, the doctor may advise you not to feed your baby while you are pregnant because of your health. He may think, you are not healthy enough to do both at the same time.

If however, you think the doctor has asked you to stop feeding your baby out of baseless beliefs, then change your doctor to some one more professional.

To be able to breast feed while pregnant is not easy to do. Have a support system around you, someone who understands your situation and will be there for you when you need them.

If your family advises you to stop feeding your baby while you are pregnant, tell them gently that this is your personal decision. You can also join a support group of other breast feeding pregnant mothers.

We wish you happy breast-feeding while pregnant and a safe pregnancy.

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