Friday, January 18, 2008

How to Tell Your Pregnancy Due Date Is Approaching

The pregnancy due date is important, because it tells you when your baby is going to be delivered. Only 10% of the babies are actually delivered on the due date. The rest are delivered around two weeks before or two weeks after the due date.

The Doctor and Your Due Date

Your doctor will help you with determining the correct due date of your pregnancy. As the pregnancy approaches its final stages, the doctor will also help with other decisions, such as whether you should have a natural childbirth or whether it should be a caesarian delivery. You can get all your doubts and fears about labor cleared from him as your due date approaches.

What Are The Signs That Your Pregnancy Due Date Is Approaching?

False Contractions- These contractions increase about two weeks before your due date and you feel as if it was the real thing, until your take a few deep breaths or start moving and the contractions go away. This is quite natural in the last stages of pregnancy.

Mucus Plug – The mucus plug is expelled about 72 hours before childbirth.

Water Breaking- This is an indication of the start of labor. There is a breaking of waters and a clear fluid is released. This means, you must get to a hospital soon, as your baby will arrive within 24 hours. The labor could be natural or induced

Nesting- The nesting urges or the urge to do up your house in those final stages of pregnancy and prepare for the newborn is a very real thing. It happens to almost every mother to be.

Other signs that your pregnancy due date is approaching fast are constipation, diarrhea, back pain and gas. You should stay relaxed and peaceful in these final stages of pregnancy. You may wish to read a good book or listen to music, any thing that you enjoy doing, before your tiny little bundle of joy is born.


jamal said...


Ruth Santos said...

Useful :)